What are some of the finance extras available to my business?
VAT Deferral
When sourcing finance for new business assets like HGVs, engineering equipment, excavators etc using a “Hire Purchase” agreement, you will be required to pay the VAT upfront. Yes, you can recover the VAT element if you are VAT-registered business, but this upfront payment can be a heavy burden for businesses and their cashflow. We can offer an option to defer the VAT for up to 4 months from the date of the finance agreement pay-out, giving you extra time to manage your cash flow.
Season Payments
Many industries have seasonal cash flow…peaks and troughs. Finance providers offer a facility called “Seasonal Payments” where you can match your repayment terms to your expected cash flow. Higher payment periods when you expect to have better cashflow and lower payments when you expect to have a leaner cash balance. These payments are agreed from the outset so you know exactly what to pay.
Want to learn more?
Ring the office on 01889 221800 or click here